Honouring our Future
Yukon First Nations Graduation RegaliaThe Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre, the Teslin Tlingit Heritage Centre and the Yukon Arts Centre have been working together to create a travelling exhibition that celebrates the beautiful regalia worn by graduates of the Yukon First Nations Graduation Ceremony.
This stunning retrospective celebrates the history, creation, and design of First Nations high school graduation regalia and will travel throughout the territory until the fall of 2023.
These pieces have been created by Moms, Aunties and other family members, by Clan members, community matriarchs and patriarchs. The dedication and effort of all sewers, hunters, artists are poured into each piece of regalia. We are here to hold up and to celebrate this dedication.
Pride. Support. Love.
Gunałchîsh to curator Lisa Dewhurst and team members Autum Jules, Courtney Wheelton and Mary Bradshaw for their hard work and dedication to this exhibition.
Mashi Cho Government of Yukon and Lotteries Yukon for your support.