Shakaat Artist Residency Program
2024 Applications are Open!
The Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre is proud to host a paid, community based artists-in-residence program, during the summer season, that will encourage, support and showcase Indigenous art.
We are currently requesting applications for the 2024 Artist-in-Residence program.
Applicants can either fill out a Google Form (gmail sign in required) OR print and email their application to:
Shakaat Artist-in-Residence Application 2024 (Google Form)
Shakaat Artist-in-Residence Application 2024(PDF)
Deadline for applications: May 3rd, 2024.
Artists will set up their studio for a three-week period and demonstrate their art form at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre. During their time at the Centre, the artist will also deliver a workshop that is open to the public, participate in social media content and create or have a piece available for a pop-up gallery at the KDCC.
Who Should Apply? Application is open to traditional, contemporary, emerging and master Indigenous artists that practice visual arts, fashion, traditional crafts, dancing, drumming or other cultural/art forms.
Funding for this project is made possible through the assistance of Arts Fund, Department of Tourism and Culture, Ranj Pillai, Minister.
What is the Shakaat Artist Residency?
Shakaat Artist Residency is an annual community based Artist-in-Residence program hosted the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre. The aim of this program is to encourage, support, and showcase Indigenous artists.
Artists set up a studio for three-week periods from July to September where they provide demonstrations to the public and work on personal projects. At the end of the year, there is a curated exhibit showcasing artists’ creations around a central theme.
Artists will deliver public workshops sharing their skills and knowledge. Keep your eyes on our Facebook and Instagram for up-to-date information regarding workshops and who is currently participating in the residency!
Funding for this project is made possible through the assistance of Arts Fund, Department of Tourism and Culture, Ranj Pillai, Minister.
